
This year (2024) I turn the big double nickel birthday…yep…55! Time did fly. I’m at a pivotal crossroads in my life, along with many other women. I’m starting this blog to do something very different and push myself out of my comfort zone. I want to use this platform to encourage and empower others by sharing my journey in life by exploring a variety of topics, such as parenting, relationships, self-care, career, and more.  

The blog is entitled “Blessed and Blooming” to capture my current mindset and stage in life. I am BLESSED…there is no doubt about it. Daily, I have a spirit of gratitude and appreciation for God allowing me to live 55 years and to build a very rich life with family, friends, church members, co-workers, etc. The COVID pandemic and the recent death of family members and friends helped me quickly learn that tomorrow is not promised so cherish each and every day.

In addition to being blessed, I am BLOOMING. It is amazing to realize that I still have a lot of evolving and growing to do in life. As I’m entering into the latter years of life, I am becoming more intentional regarding where I expend energy and spend my time. There was a quote that said, “Little by little, step by step, design the life you want to live”. I’m determined to do just that and this blog will hopefully capture my transformation. I would love for others to join me in my journey to bloom and become the best version of me!